Electric MPV Showdown: Comparing Range and Efficiency of Top Contenders in China's Booming Market

Starting from last year, the domestic MPV market has noticeably accelerated in electrification, with more choices of pure electric MPVs available. Consumers’ concerns about the driving range of electric vehicles are no exception for new energy MPVs.

A recent driving range test was organized by Datong official involving four pure electric MPVs. **In addition to its own product MIFA 9, the organizer also borrowed the Zeekr 009, DENZA D9, and Voyah Dreamer.** 42HOW was fortunate enough to be invited to participate in this test.

Before getting into the data, let’s tease that the results of the driving range test are within reason, but perhaps not as expected.

## Test Overview

### Vehicle Information

The configurations of the four test vehicles are as follows:

– Zeekr 009: Dual-motor 400 kW, battery capacity 116 kWh, curb weight 2,830 kg;

– Voyah Dreamer: Dual-motor 320 kW, battery capacity 108.73 kWh, curb weight 2,625 kg;

– DENZA D9: Single-motor 160 kW, battery capacity 103.36 kWh, curb weight 2,690 kg;

– Datong MIFA 9: Single-motor 180 kW, battery capacity 90 kWh, curb weight 2,410 kg.

It’s not hard to see that the test vehicles include both dual-motor and single-motor models. The heaviest Zeekr 009 is 420 kg heavier than the lightest Datong MIFA 9, and its power is 240 kW higher than DENZA D9, both of which are generally disadvantageous factors for driving range. However, the Zeekr 009 is also equipped with the largest 116 kWh battery among the four vehicles.

Both the DENZA D9 and Datong MIFA 9 are single-motor front-wheel drive. The Datong MIFA 9 has the smallest battery capacity, but it is accompanied by the lightest curb weight, which is relatively advantageous in terms of energy consumption.

This driving range test will not only compare the **length of the driving range** of the four vehicles but also their **energy efficiency** and the **accuracy of their driving range predictions**.

### Test Route

The road test can be divided into two parts: the first part is **Shanghai urban roads combined with urban expressways**; the second part is Shanghai **urban expressways and highways**.

During the test, all four vehicles kept the same load and settings:

1. Standard driving mode

2. Strong energy recovery

3. Four passengers in each vehicle

4. Automatic air conditioning at 24℃

5. Departure with full battery

## Test Results: Longest, Most Economical, and Most Accurate

The actual test took two days, with the urban section taking 8 hours and 12 minutes and the highway section taking 6 hours.

Urban driving range results are as follows:

– Zeekr 009 consumed 50\% of the battery, traveled 263 km, estimated full charge driving range of 526 km, and energy consumption of 22.1 kWh/100 km;- Voyah Dreamer consumed 56%, traveled 270 km, estimated full charge range 482 km, energy consumption 22.6 kWh/100 km;

  • DENZA D9 consumed 52%, traveled 272 km, estimated full charge range 523 km, energy consumption 19.6 kWh/100 km;

  • Maxus MIFA 9 consumed 50%, traveled 230 km, estimated full charge range 460 km, energy consumption 19.6 kWh/100 km.

In terms of absolute range, the ranking for this test is: Zeekr 009 > DENZA D9 > Voyah Dreamer > Maxus MIFA 9.

City energy consumption performance (lower is better) is: Maxus MIFA 9 ≈ DENZA D9 > Zeekr 009 > Voyah Dreamer.

Highway range results are as follows:

  • Zeekr 009 consumed 65%, traveled 320 km, estimated full charge range 492 km, energy consumption 23.6 kWh/100 km;

  • Voyah Dreamer consumed 81%, traveled 330 km, estimated full charge range 407 km, energy consumption 26.7 kWh/100 km;

  • DENZA D9 consumed 70%, traveled 324 km, estimated full charge range 463 km, energy consumption 22 kWh/100 km;

  • Maxus MIFA 9 consumed 80%, traveled 330 km, estimated full charge range 413 km, energy consumption 21.8 kWh/100 km.

Absolute range ranking: Zeekr 009 > DENZA D9 > Maxus MIFA 9 > Voyah Dreamer.

City energy consumption performance (lower is better) is: Maxus MIFA 9 > DENZA D9 > Zeekr 009 > Voyah Dreamer.

In the two comprehensive tests, Zeekr 009 achieved the first place in range performance, while Maxus MIFA 9 narrowly surpassed DENZA D9 to achieve the top energy-efficient performance. It is somewhat surprising that Zeekr 009 has better energy performance than Voyah Dreamer, given its higher vehicle kerb weight and power.

While DENZA D9’s energy consumption was defeated by Maxus MIFA 9, it can be considered as good as first since its kerb weight is 280 kg heavier than the latter.

Voyah Dreamer had the highest energy consumption in both tests, which may be attributed to its dual-motor system, heavier body, and larger air resistance of the vehicle’s shape.

Next, we have another additional subject in this range test: the accuracy of dynamic performance range.

During the test route, every certain distance, the onboard testers recorded the vehicle’s standard range data, dynamic performance range, and actual mileage. The actual range reference line for the vehicles is the simple estimated range line obtained after the test based on energy consumption.The results of city road and expressway tests are shown in the following image:

As shown in the graph, the dynamic range curves of DENZA D9 and MIFA 9 are smoother, and both have relatively accurate energy consumption estimations. However, the D9 has a larger deviation in the vertical axis, making its remaining range calculation less accurate. In contrast, MIFA 9’s curve closely follows its actual range, with no issues in energy consumption and remaining range estimation.

The dynamic range curves of Voyah Dreamer and Zeekr 009 fluctuate significantly, showing an unstable estimation of the actual range. This implies that the system’s energy consumption estimation is not stable, but the deviation from the reference range is still better than expected.

The results of city expressway and highway range tests are shown below:

DENZA D9’s dynamic range estimation in this scenario has a similar issue as in the city expressway test, with a large initial deviation in the vertical axis and slow correction speed. It is not until the power is consumed to a lower value that it approaches the true value.

The dynamic range estimation fluctuations of Zeekr 009 and Voyah Dreamer remain relatively large in this test. Zeekr 009 corrects quickly in the initial stage, while the adjustment for Voyah Dreamer’s dynamic range estimation is slightly slower. After driving 100 km, the deviation value increases compared to the initial test and accelerates convergence to the actual range after 250 km.

MIFA 9’s dynamic range display in the high-speed test is still the most accurate among the four cars, with a fast adjustment speed and no significant fluctuations. When driving 100 km, the estimated remaining range deviation is 49 km, and when driving 300 km, the estimated range deviation is 5 km, showing a clear advantage.

Test Summary

In this pure electric MPV range test, the Zeekr 009 is the only vehicle with a CLTC range of over 700 km and has the longest range in both test scenarios. DENZA D9 closely follows in both tests, with fewer motors, lower power, and lighter curb weight, helping the vehicle compensate for the smaller battery capacity.

MIFA 9 has the smallest battery in the test, with a capacity of 26 kWh less than the first-ranked Zeekr 009 and 13 kWh less than the second-smallest DENZA D9. Therefore, it is not surprising that it has the shortest actual range. Nevertheless, MIFA 9’s absolute range value is similar to that of Voyah Dreamer. At the same time, the lightest curb weight also gives MIFA 9 the lowest energy consumption among the four vehicles.In the dynamic range test, the Dachang MIFA 9 demonstrated an outstanding performance, with fast range adjustments and the highest accuracy in estimation. This capability provides users with effective and referenceable range information, reducing the uncontrollable anxiety about range expectations, and is of undeniable value for electric vehicles.

We also hope that more manufacturers would not only focus on longer range but also put efforts on improving “range accuracy” and “low energy consumption” so that users can purchase and use pure electric vehicles at a lower cost and with less information exchange.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email bd@42how.com.