2/22 Communication Record of Senior Product Director Car Owners Group

Brothers, last night, Ye Jinyu, the product director of Ji Kebao 001, joined the Ji Kebao 001 national car owners group to communicate with our car owners. Now we have summarized the typical problems and answers raised by car owners last night.

The power of car friends is too strong, and the Ji Kebao management personally established a communication channel. User feedback will play a role, and listening to the voice of users is a good start.

Time: February 22, 2023, evening

Questioner: [42HOW-Ji Kebao 001 National Car Owners Group] Car owners

Responder: Ye Jinyu [Product Director of Ji Kebao 001]

Organized by: Los Angeles Story

## Writing at the End

First of all, special thanks to Garage 42 for inviting the Product Director of JiKe to join the group chat.

Secondly, it should be clarified that this group is an unofficial car enthusiasts group organized by Garage 42, which has no affiliation with JiKe officially. Moreover, Director Ye was invited into the group at midnight without any preparation, and both the car owners and Director Ye spontaneously raised questions and communicated with each other. You can check the original chat record, which may be difficult to extract key information without organizing.

The quality of the content in the group is actually very high. Most of Director Ye’s responses yesterday were practical, although some were vague, which is understandable. At least the fact that we can communicate with users is a good start, and it has boosted the confidence of most car enthusiasts in the group.

Anyway, it’s good to start communicating with users, and we hope for a good outcome.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email bd@42how.com.