Keke's extreme fraud against consumers !!!

On December 25th, 2022, we ordered 001 at the Machine Kr Space Shanghai Impressions store. The salesperson informed us that the car could be delivered in about 10 days, so we paid a deposit of 5000 RMB. However, just after we paid the money, the salesperson told us they needed to check if there was a car available for us. Afterwards, there was no follow-up on the order status, and on December 31st, we proactively inquired about the status of our order. The salesperson replied that they had to check if there was a car available for us. This was only 5 days before the promised delivery date.

In the evening of December 31st, the salesperson confirmed that the reason for the delay was because we had chosen a Japanese motor brand, and they couldn’t deliver the car before the New Year. We were extremely confused because we were promised that the car would be delivered within 10 days before we paid. After paying, the salesperson seemed to ignore us, which felt like a scam. The salesperson also threatened us and told us to find other channels to check for cars.

In conclusion, we strongly doubt two things: the salesperson’s professionalism and their attitude towards customer service. We strongly advise against buying this brand, as they lack professionalism and customer service, deceive consumers into signing contracts, do not follow up on orders, and deny consumers’ rights to information and other benefits.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email