On November 10th, DFAC held an event titled ‘DF Answers’; the ‘DF Intelligent New Energy Brand SHOW and eπ Brand Launch’.

At the event, DF unveiled its new energy brand, eπ, and the brand’s first new energy vehicle, the eπ 007.

Targeting the new energy market of 150k-250k vehicles, the new brand eπ combines DF’s profound vehicle manufacturing expertise, embraces technology and transformation as its core values striving to deliver technology-driven, fine taste, trustworthy brand value with a supreme experience.

Concurrently, the appearance of the new model, eπ 007, penetrates the market with its exceptional driving performance and luxury features.

The eπ 007 has a motor power of 400 kW, acceleration from 0 to 100 in 3 seconds, and energy consumption of only 11.9 kWh / 100 km. A particular range extended model can travel up to 1,200 km with a single tank of gas. The eπ 007 has achieved a five-star safety standard in design, earning recognition as one of the ‘top 10 best car bodies in China 2023’.

With the addition of the new brand eπ and new model eπ 007, DF now has a product line covering luxury, high-end, and mainstream markets. In the future, eπ will continue to introduce more high-quality new energy products, driving DFAC’s strong development in the passenger car field and helping DFAC to achieve its target of producing and selling 1 million new energy vehicles per year by 2025.

Through this event, DFAC demonstrated its layout and technical reserves in the field of new energy, signifying that DFAC is ready to open up fully to the mainstream middle and high-end car market.

At the event, the leaders of DFAC Limited expressed DF’s determination and confidence in promoting the transformation and upgrade to new energy.

Yuo Zheng, Standing Member of the Party Committee and Deputy General Manager of DFAC Limited, said:

In this era of new energy, automobile intelligence is the new track and main battlefield for the global automotive industry. At present, DFAC has completed the layout and technical preparations for a full industry chain of new energy, and through integration of innovative technology, we are developing intelligent new cars, bringing DF solutions for smart travel, smart transportation, and smart city development.

This article is a translation by AI of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email bd@42how.com.