Avita Unveils AI-Powered Electric SUV at Huawei Auto Event

On April 16, 2023, Avita landed in Shanghai and appeared with its first intelligent electric SUV coupe, Avita 11, at the 2023 Huawei Intelligent Automotive Solution Conference.

As the first and only brand equipped with the full-stack intelligent automotive solution HI Huawei across the board, Avita Technology will launch the first batch of full-stack innovative Huawei ADS 2.0 high-end smart driving systems, which will be upgraded in the second half of this year and equipped with native HarmonyOS car operating system. This also means that all Avita users will enjoy the intelligent driving system that does not depend on high-precision maps.

Huawei’s advanced intelligent driving system ADS 2.0 will further enhance the perception, judgment, decision-making, and execution capabilities of high-speed, urban, and parking environments, making driving safer and smarter. Through the fusion of multiple sensors, ADS 2.0 can effectively identify abnormal obstacles, such as overturned vehicles and falling rocks, and decelerate to a stop, making travel safer.

  • In terms of urban experience, even without high-precision maps, ADS 2.0 can understand road signs, traffic lights, and other road elements, allowing the driver to navigate without using maps. This year, it will be implemented in 45 cities without maps.

  • NCA function on the highway will further enhance the ability to handle scenes such as entering and exiting ramps, avoiding obstacles, and road construction, increasing the average manually intervened mileage from 100 km to 200 km from HUAWEI ADS 1.0.

  • In the parking process, it will further improve the handling capacity of narrow parking spaces. For narrow parking spaces with a car width of only slightly more than 0.4 meters, it can be easily completed through APA intelligent parking, and for extremely narrow parking spaces with insufficient free car width less than 0.4 meters, it can also be achieved through RPA remote control parking.

Avita will upgrade to the Huawei ADS 2.0 high-end smart driving system in the fields of safety, intelligent driving, and parking, achieving a leading-edge in all-scenario fields, including safety leading the generation, faster speed on highways, more peace of mind in urban areas, and visible parking with intelligent parking capability.

Tan Benhong, Chairman and CEO of Avita Technology, said: “Huawei is our closest partner, and Avita will firmly and steadfastly choose to stand with Huawei for a long time, co-create and win together, and jointly create the best intelligent electric vehicles in China and even the world.”

Previously, Avatar 11 has demonstrated leading intelligent driving capabilities among the same level. Avatar High-Speed NCA Intelligent Driving Navigation Assistance has covered 259 cities and 300,000 kilometers of structured roads. It has opened the first batch of large-scale users in Shanghai, Shenzhen, and Guangzhou to sign up for the early experience of the NCA intelligent driving navigation assistance, and will then push to more users in batches.

Data shows that as of now, the intelligent driving function of Avatar 11 has driven over 1 million kilometers, and the APA intelligent parking assistance has been called over 220,000 times. It is worth mentioning that as of early April, the overall delivery volume of Avatar 11 has also exceeded 6,000 vehicles, and it has won the title of China’s high-end pure electric SUV terminal sales champion in March.

According to the plan, Avatar Technology and Huawei will also develop a series of intelligent automobile products based on the new generation of intelligent electric vehicle technology platform CHN. The second new product will arrive as scheduled in the second half of this year, and the third and fourth products will be launched in 2024. In addition, the two parties will further expand their channel cooperation and are expected to enter more than 20 offline stores in the first half of this year.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email bd@42how.com.