Current Status of China's Lithium-ion Battery Material Market: Pricing and Supply Trends

As the China Automobile Association calls for a rational approach to the current round of car promotions, the return to normal order in the automotive market will require time.

● Cathode Materials: The demand for iron phosphate is sluggish, with prices continuing to decline. Ternary materials prices also drop, exacerbating market competition sentiment, and raw material market trends continue to weaken.

Lithium carbonate prices persistently fall, downstream procurement enthusiasm is not high, and market transaction volume is limited.

● Separator: The market remains depressed, mainly fulfilling existing orders, and new orders are limited. The industry is undergoing a temporary production reduction wave in response to sluggish demand growth in the end market. With the overall downstream performance below expectations, the wet-process separator’s capacity temporarily exceeds demand, and a slight overcapacity is observed in the dry-process separator, resulting in a price loosening under intensified market competition.

The current shipment of energy storage cells is experiencing a high level of prosperity.

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