Lantu Dreamer received the car two months ago.

What is your car budget?

50,0000 RMB.

How much did you spend in total for the car?

440,000 RMB.

How long did you wait for your car to be delivered?

Within a quarter.

Is this your first car?


Is this your first time purchasing a new energy vehicle?


Do you have a home charging station?


Why do you want to change your car?

Family needs.

What cars did you consider before buying it?


What’s your rating for its appearance? Share some pictures of your car!

Exceptional appearance.

Are you satisfied with its space?

Exceeded expectations.

How do you feel about its power?

Persistent output.

What’s your rating for its auxiliary driving system?

Occasionally usable.### How is its energy consumption and endurance performance?
Very energy-saving

Are you satisfied with its infotainment system?

Obvious shortcomings

How often do you charge it for daily use?

Every day

Share three things you would like it to improve:

The lower-level logic of the infotainment system is poor, and it would be nice if the hub caps were easier to remove with tools.

Share three things you are most satisfied with:

The appearance, interior layout, and driving feel

Share your experience of using the car:

Before taking delivery, I looked at Buick GL8, but it felt too old and didn’t have a pure electric version. The car wasn’t wide enough, and it was too business-like.

I then looked at the Roewe iXM8, but the trunk was too small and too low. The electric car seemed like a modification of a gasoline car, and it was out of place.

Finally, I chose the Voyah Dreamer. The appearance was grand-looking and loved by all ages. The interior had sufficient space, and the driving experience was great. There was no pressure when accelerating for overtaking, and the ride was comfortable. Braking and acceleration were considered for the passengers.

The only downside was that the infotainment system wasn’t very new energy. It felt like a middle-aged person was forcing it to be new energy, and the lower-level logic was not smart.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email