Lowering the threshold for car purchases, the 401 km range version of the Haomao GT is now on the market.

On June 17, 2022, the Euler Cat GT launched a new model, the 401 km range version, with an official guide price of 149,000 yuan.

On the same day last month, May 17, the 2022 Euler Cat Moran Version officially launched its pre-sale. While upgrading its features, the price of the entire Euler Cat series increased, including a price increase of 15,000 yuan for the Euler Cat GT. The price of the Mulan version of the Euler Cat GT with a 480 km range is 169,000 yuan.

A month later, Euler keenly met the market demand and launched a lower-priced version of the Euler Cat GT 401 km range. The nominal NEDC range was reduced by 79 km, and the battery was switched from ternary lithium to iron phosphate lithium. The rest of the features are consistent with the Mulan version of the Euler Cat GT.

The most significant change in the 2022 Euler Cat GT 401 km range version is its interior. The new car added four interior color schemes in addition to the original black and red color scheme, including green rice, blue-gray, green-gray, and brown-gray, matching the Mulan version of the Euler Cat.

However, for the Euler Cat GT series, customers still need to spend 10,000 yuan to choose the full set of advanced driving assistance packages and 8,000 yuan to choose the comfortable cabin package.

The basic driving assistance experience after choosing the package is still worth praising, as the Euler Cat is equipped with the Mobileye EyeQ4 intelligent driving assistance chip, which provides a relatively stable driving experience. Even in situations where a car behind attempts to overtake with a rather extreme distance, the Euler Cat can quickly identify the vehicle ahead when changing lanes and apply a gentle brake to maintain a safe distance.

The interaction logic of the assisted driving system is relatively confusing, which leads to certain learning costs for the female-oriented products.

Overall, the 149,000 yuan Euler Good Cat GT 401km version provides users with a new option, allowing everyone to purchase the GT package at a lower price. The overall price falls between Euler Good Cat Morelandi version 401 km deluxe and 401 km premium. Will users lean towards Morelandi version or GT version?

Source: Euler Official Website

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email bd@42how.com.