Aiways unveils latest design for U5; NIO ES6 to be released next month | E Weekly News

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Weekly News

Tesla Significantly Reduces Price, with the Maximum Reduction of 382,900 RMB for Model X P100D

On November 22, Tesla announced the prices for some of the Model 3 models, and at the same time, reduced the prices of the vehicles that are already on sale. Due to the Sino-U.S. trade friction, in July of this year, Tesla raised the prices of the vehicles that are already on sale, resulting in the most expensive Model X P100D priced at over 1.5 million RMB. In August, Tesla made the luxury package as a required configuration, which further increased the price.

Finally in November, Tesla significantly lowered the prices. The price of Model X P100D dropped by 382,900 RMB, and the price of Model S P100D also dropped by 382,200 RMB. The prices of other models, including Model 3, have also reduced to varying degrees. After the price adjustment, the price for Model 3 Long Range version is 540,000 RMB, and the price for Model 3 Performance High Performance version is 595,000 RMB.

Comment: When the Model 3 reservation holders just received the configuration message, many people were shocked by the over 700,000 RMB price of the High-Performance version. Now that the car prices have been lowered, it’s a real bargain! Tesla gives up profits and lowers the prices for more people to own Tesla, making it possible for more people to become a Tesla owner. Rich people, seize the opportunity.

LI Automotive Has Completed 2 Billion RMB Financing

On November 21, LI Automotive announced to complete the 2.5 billion RMB financing plan by the end of 2018. Now, it has completed nearly 2 billion RMB financing, led by Shanghai Electric Hong Kong Limited, with follow-up investments from Harvest Investments and previous investor Ningbo Haytong Jingsheng Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership).

同时,零跑还宣布金华智能制造基地焊装车间已经完成设备调试,将于 2019 年第一季度完成工厂建设;全国首家直营零跑中心已在杭州滨江芯图大厦一楼正式开业;零跑 S01,计划将于 2019 年 1 月3 日正式上市发布。2019 年零跑汽车的销售目标为 1 万辆。

快评:作为一家造车新势力,有钱是成功的关键,零跑一直低调的存在但却剑走偏锋的拿出了与众不同的 Coupe 车型。一万台的目标虽然不多,但是走好第一步尤为关键,希望明年零跑有好消息传来。

蔚来 ES6 将于 12 月 15 日发布

根据蔚来官方消息,蔚来新车型 ES6 将会在 12 月 15 日的 NIO Day 发布。ES6 或将会在 12 月 1 号开启预定。ES6 定位于 5 座电动 SUV,搭载永磁同步电机,并将大幅提升续航能力,NEDC 续航达 450km。

蔚来目前已经在着手改造生产线,预计明年上半年就可以交付 ES6 车型。

快评:ES6 的续航能力既要达到同级平均水平甚至更领先一些。但是蔚来也需要考虑 ES8 车主的感受,毕竟发现自己的 ES8 续航水平远低于更便宜的 ES6 多少会影响心情。

恒大入股 FF 事件写入美国 301 调查报告

上周三美国贸易代表办公室更新了《 301 调查报告》并将恒大投资 FF 一事写入报告中。将许家印和贾跃亭对于 FF 实际控制权的争夺定性为“中国政府引导企业对外投资获取美国公司的知识产权和专利技术”。该报告还称,鉴于FF 与特斯拉之间有竞争关系,而该车的运营涉及到 380 项专利技术,这又将极大增强中国在汽车方面的竞争力。

在不久前,FF 的超过两百名股东在美国洛杉矶法院起诉恒大健康,指控恒大健康以及恒大两位高管企图通过欺诈手段夺走FF 控制权和核心知识产权,用“现金饥饿”手段逼迫 FF 破产。

“`In the last month, the emergency arbitration results between FF and Evergrande were announced, and the updated “301 Investigation Report” is likely to have an impact on the final arbitration result.

Quick comment: FF is currently in a particularly difficult situation. Although it has received “implicit support” from the US investigation report, it seems impossible for FF led by Jia Yueting to find Chinese investors. Jia Yueting’s financing plan seems to be well-organized, but it may be a challenge for FF, which is plagued by disputes, to deliver FF91 in the next year and achieve an independent IPO in 2020.

Aiways U5 to be launched on November 29th

Recently, Aiways announced that its first model, the Aiways U5, will be launched on November 29th. The Aiways U5 is positioned as a pure electric mid-size SUV developed based on the MAS platform. According to previous news, Aiways’ first mass-produced model can achieve L2 level autonomous driving, and the second model can achieve L4 level autonomous driving. U5 will provide two types of battery packs: 53 kWh and 6 kWh. The 53 kWh version can achieve a NEDC range of 325 km. Aiways has already released U5’s styling design.

Although Aiways was only formally registered as a car maker last year, it has shown the ability to develop and produce multiple types of vehicles from cars to SUVs, MPVs, and even pickups, thanks to the MAS platform.

Quick comment: As Aiways’ first mass-produced model, the U5 has a huge mission and task. What other surprises will the U5 have? We can only look forward to November 29th.

Renault Chairman and CEO Carlos Ghosn Arrested

On November 19th, NHK reported that Carlos Ghosn, Chairman and CEO of Renault, Chairman of Nissan Motor Co., and Chairman of Mitsubishi Motors, was taken away by the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department’s Special Investigation Division on a voluntary basis on suspicion of underreporting his compensation and violating the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act with false securities reports.

According to reports, Nissan Motor Company has secretly investigated Mr. Ghosn over the past few months. The Kyodo News has revealed that Mr. Ghosn and other executives have falsely reported their salaries for five years. Sources have stated that the amount of Mr. Ghosn’s false reporting is as high as JPY 5 billion.

Subsequently, Nissan officially dismissed Mr. Ghosn from his position and appointed the interim chairman, Mr. Hiroto Saikawa. Nissan stated that it will establish a consultation committee to nominate a candidate for the new chairman and stressed that the alliance between Nissan and Renault will continue to be maintained. Mitsubishi Motors also issued an official statement, suggesting the immediate removal of Mr. Ghosn from his position as chairman and representative director of Mitsubishi Motors due to his improper behavior and corporate governance and compliance issues.

As the former employer of Mr. Ghosn, French automaker Renault announced that they will retain Mr. Ghosn’s position at Renault, while appointing the current Chief Operating Officer, Thierry Bolloré, as the interim CEO with the power of the chairman and CEO.

Comments: Mr. Ghosn’s fate in the future remains to be seen. Although Renault and Nissan will maintain their alliance relationship, it will be difficult for them to be as close as before.

Comparative Cost of Mainstream Power Battery, Contemporary Amperex Technology Is at the Bottom

Recently, UBS Group AG conducted testing and evaluation on batteries from Panasonic, LG Chemical, Samsung SDI and Contemporary Amperex Technology Limited (CATL). The cost of the batteries produced by Panasonic at Tesla’s super factory is USD 0.11 / kWh (approximately CNY 0.76 / kWh), far lower than that of the other three competitors. The cost of CATL’s battery is about USD 0.15 / kWh (approximately CNY 1.03 / kWh), the highest among the four companies.

The other three companies have better raw material procurement costs, more refined production processes, higher automation levels, and lower labor costs, so their overall costs are lower than that of CATL.

Comments: Due to the favorable policy for new energy in China, CATL has already taken the lead in the production of power batteries and has become the world’s largest power battery manufacturer. The cost control of power batteries is a key step towards faster and better promotion of new energy vehicles.

* NIO ranks first on the New Forces List; Germany announces 1 billion euro investment to support local battery production | E Weekly News

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email