Hefei issues notice: Individuals purchasing new energy vehicles can receive up to 5,000 yuan in subsidies.

It is reported that on March 15th, Hefei released the “Notice on Applying for Promotion Policy of New Energy Vehicle Consumption Subsidies in 2023” (hereinafter referred to as the “Notice”), and stated that individual consumers who purchase new energy vehicles and meet the conditions will be entitled to a subsidy of up to 5,000 yuan.

The “Notice” implements the third policy “Promoting New Energy Vehicle Consumption Subsidies” in the 2023 “Hefei “Boosting Confidence and Pursuing Economic Development” Policy Measures”.

The execution time of the policy is from February 4th, 2023 to June 30th, 2023. The online application time is from March 15th, 2023 to July 31st, 2023. Failure to apply within the specified time period will be regarded as giving up automatically.

Specifically, according to the “Notice”, from February 4th, 2023 to June 30th, 2023, individual consumers who scrap or sell their non-operating passenger cars registered in Hefei and that meet relevant standards, and purchase new non-operational new energy passenger cars from automotive sales institutions registered with Hefei Market Supervision and Administration Department, need to obtain the “Unified Invoice for Vehicle Sales” issued by the Hefei automotive sales institution, and are granted a financial subsidy of no more than 5,000 yuan per vehicle.

The specific subsidy standards are as follows: for new cars reaching 50,000 yuan, 100,000 yuan, and 200,000 yuan, financial subsidies of 1,000 yuan, 3,000 yuan, and 5,000 yuan per vehicle will be given respectively.

At the same time, the “Notice” pointed out that the application subject and the subsidy recipient for this car purchase subsidy are individual users, and they must meet the following three conditions to apply for the subsidy. The specific conditions are as follows:

    1. Individual users scrap their passenger cars (hereinafter referred to as “old cars”) under their names, and the scrap date must be between February 4th, 2023 and June 30th, 2023. The scrap date is based on the cancellation time indicated in the “Cancellation Certificate for Scrapped Motor Vehicles”.

    2. Individual users who sell their old cars under their names should register them under their names before January 31st, 2023. The sale date must be between February 4th, 2023 and June 30th, 2023, and the sale date is based on the invoicing date indicated in the “Unified Invoice for the Sale of Second-hand Cars”.“`

  1. Personal users purchasing new cars must purchase between February 4, 2023 and June 30, 2023, and the purchase date must be based on the invoice date of “Unified Motor Vehicle Sales Invoice” issued by the motor vehicle sales agency in Hefei.

The “Notice” also emphasizes that applicants can view the application notice and application portal through personal login to the website of Hefei Bureau of Commerce and other platforms. The application period is from March 15, 2023 to July 31, 2023. The specific application information shall be subject to the announcement on the website of the Bureau of Commerce and other platforms. The following is a reference diagram of the application process milestones.


This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email bd@42how.com.