Completed by the end of March, the 800V charging station for the Ideal model will appear at the service area.

According to netizens’ revelations, an Ideal HPC super charging station under construction has appeared at the Machong Service Area on the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Expressway (Shenzhen direction), which is expected to be completed by the end of March.

According to the project overview sign, the construction unit is China Hi-Tech Group Corporation (Dongguan) Energy Services Co., Ltd., and the construction of the super charging station began as early as November 28, 2022. Currently, the station is still under construction and surrounded by iron sheets. It is expected to have four charging piles after completion.

Regarding the Ideal fast charging and energy supplementing system, Shen Yanan actually introduced it when Ideal went public on the Hong Kong stock market in 2021.

The core is a 400 kW level high-speed fast charging that meets the energy supplementing efficiency of 400 kilometers in 10 minutes; High-voltage charging piles will be laid out in advance of high-voltage ultra-fast charging products to ensure that “when pure electric vehicle models are launched in 2023, basic settings must be configured.”

Last year, when an Ideal executive talked about the ultra-fast charging, he said: “We will definitely stabilize at 20-80\% of 400 kW.”

At the Ideal 2022 Spring Communication Meeting last week, Li Xiang also mentioned the issue of 800V planning and construction.

The 800V charging is faster, solving the energy supplementing anxiety; the weight and size of the vehicle’s internal wiring harness are reduced, and the big and heavy electric vehicles are relieved of burden and space; providing higher continuous power to solve the problem of weak aftertaste of electric vehicles after fast start. The 800V high voltage almost hits all the soft spots of an electric vehicle. No wonder it has become the hot focus among automakers today.

On March 1, Ideal Automobile announced its delivery data for February. In February, Ideal delivered 16,620 vehicles, a year-on-year increase of 97.5\%. Since delivery, Ideal Automobile has delivered a total of 289,095 vehicles.

Many automakers have launched layouts of 800V high-voltage platforms, but the 800V system still faces many difficulties in terms of cost, technology, and infrastructure, which are the necessary paths of new energy vehicle technology innovation and industrial iteration. Chinese automakers, with their rapid and efficient engineering application capabilities, may be able to achieve rapid and extensive application of the 800V system.

Although there are not many 800V charging piles currently, there is enough room for expansion in the future. It is foreseeable that the 800V high-voltage platform will definitely be a major trend in the industry, but it is not yet fully mature and needs time to settle.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email