BlackBerry QNX foundational software will be migrated to Amazon Web Services.

Today, at the 2022 re:Invent global conference of Amazon Web Services, BlackBerry announced that it will provide its BlackBerry QNX technology to mission-critical embedded OS developers based on Amazon Cloud services, significantly reducing their time to market.

As automotive software continues to develop, the amount of code in automotive software is increasing, and the complexity of the entire in-vehicle electronic architecture is also growing. OEMs face immense pressure to prototype, test, and validate the entire vehicle’s software ecosystem while meeting functional safety standard ISO 26262 and network security standard ISO 21434.

At the 2022 re:Invent global conference of Amazon Web Services, BlackBerry QNX showcased its real-time operating system, RTOS, and the AI data platform, BlackBerry IVY, running on Amazon EC2 instances supported by the Amazon Graviton2 processor.

BlackBerry QNX RTOS running on the cloud serves as the workspace for cloud-native developers and can be used independently or in conjunction with the cloud-based intelligent connected vehicle AI platform, BlackBerry IVY, developed jointly by BlackBerry and Amazon Web Services.

As one of the first applications, some customer developers will be able to fully utilize BlackBerry IVY cloud instances. BlackBerry also demonstrated to developers how to use this cloud service to simplify the development, testing, and integration of AI-driven automotive solutions, and deploy these solutions for in-car operation on vehicle-grade hardware.

It is reported that the early access version of this cloud-operated system project has been provided to specific OEMs and tier-one suppliers, including tier-one automotive supplier Magna, which is currently testing the solution for next-generation automotive technology development.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email