Say goodbye to too many SKUs! Xiaopeng Motors adjusts multiple versions of its on-sale models.

Recently, we found that Xpeng’s official website has quietly adjusted the sales version of several old models. Except for G9, P7/P5/G3i have been adjusted to varying degrees, and some versions have been discontinued.

The number of Xpeng P7’s on-sale models has been reduced from the previous 22 to 9, with a price range adjustment of 2.399-2.859 million yuan. The on-sale models are divided into 480 version, 586 version, 625 version, and 670 version according to different ranges.

Picture of Xpeng P7

Picture of Xpeng P7

Picture of Xpeng P7

Picture of Xpeng P7

Furthermore, according to previous news, the new Xpeng P7 may be on the market in March 2023, but old models will not be taken down, and will be sold at the same time as the new models.

The number of Xpeng P5’s on-sale models has been reduced from the previous 11 to 5, with a price range of 1.799-2.259 million yuan. The on-sale models are divided into 460 version and 550 version according to different ranges.

Picture of Xpeng P5

Picture of Xpeng P5

The number of Xpeng G3i’s on-sale models has been reduced from the previous 7 to 4, with a price range of 1.689-2.019 million yuan. The on-sale models are divided into 460 version and 520 version according to different ranges.

Picture of Xpeng G3i

Closing Thoughts

The recent adjustment to the versions of the old models on sale is unclear whether it is also a result of Xpeng’s organizational restructuring. However, with as many as 22 versions of the P7 model in the past, it has been difficult for consumers to choose, and they can’t really figure out the specific differences between the various versions. It is urgent to adjust and streamline the model SKU.

But there are also adjustments that I am not quite clear about, such as the suspension of sales of the P7 AWD and Pengyi versions.

Looking at Xpeng’s sales volume in October, the total delivery volume was only 5,101 units. Among them, the G9 delivered 623 units, the P7 delivered 2,104 units, the P5 delivered 1,665 units, and the G3i delivered 709 units. In contrast, NIO and Li Auto, both of which are in the first tier of new forces, had delivery volumes of around 10,000 units in October.

Currently, Xpeng is in a “nothing new” stage, and the lifecycle of the old models is gradually coming to an end, unable to support sales volume. While the new flagship G9 has just begun delivery and is still in the stage of climbing production capacity, it cannot contribute too much to sales volume either. It may still take some time to return to a monthly delivery volume of 10,000 after the production capacity of G9 stabilizes.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email