On December 18, SAIC Group’s Xiangdao Travel held a press conference in Shanghai, announcing the completion of over 300 million yuan in Series A strategic financing, jointly invested by Alibaba and CATL, and announced a partnership with Bilibili Esports and other partners to provide users with a one-stop travel solution.

Xiangdao Travel stated that its platform will cover four main businesses: “Xiangdao Car Service” will provide ride-hailing services for individual users; “Xiangdao Rental Car” will provide vehicle rental services for enterprise-level users; “Xiangdao Hourly Rental” will provide car rental services for individual users, provided by SAIC Group’s online all-time, all-scene rental service platform EVCARD; and “Shencheng Travel”, covering taxi services.

In terms of intelligent travel, Xiangdao Travel has launched the “ACTS Technology Strategy”, namely: Artificial Intelligence Hub, Connected Intelligent Cockpit, Transport & Next-gen Mobility System, and Smart Security System.

As strategic investors, Alibaba and CATL will collaborate with Xiangdao Travel in autonomous driving, new energy, data technology, and differentiated exploration of business models.

🔗Source: Xiangdao Travel

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email bd@42how.com.