Together with Siemens, Porsche will start mass production of synthetic fuel.

According to a report from CleanTechnica, Porsche and Siemens have made important progress in their cooperation on carbon-neutral synthetic fuels (e-fuels) and announced that a pilot factory will be built in Chile.

According to Porsche, in the pilot phase, it is expected to produce about 130,000 liters of synthetic fuel by 2022 at the earliest. In the next two phases, the production capacity of synthetic fuel will increase to about 55 million liters per year by 2024. By 2026, this number will reach about 550 million liters.

(Illustration of the factory, source: Porsche)

Synthetic fuel is a renewable energy source produced from carbon dioxide and hydrogen gas. In essence, it is no different from kerosene, gasoline, or diesel fuel refined from crude oil. However, theoretically, synthetic fuel is more environmentally friendly and will not affect the climate.

Currently, Porsche has invested more than 20 million Euros in the factory and has announced that it will use synthetic fuel in hybrid models racing in endurance races such as Le Mans.

This project, led by Porsche and Siemens, will build the world’s first commercial-scale “climate neutral” synthetic fuel factory. Other partners in the project include Chile’s AME energy company and ENAP oil company, as well as Italy’s Enel energy company.

🔗Source: Porsche, CleanTechnica

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