Volvo plans to offer only electric models from 2030 onwards.

According to foreign media reports, Hakan Samuelsson, the CEO of Volvo, said at the Financial Times Future of the Car Summit in the UK that from 2030, all of Volvo’s products will be electric vehicles. He further recommended a ban on fuel vehicles and the comprehensive electrification of vehicles.

Prior to this, Volvo had announced the electrification process of its products, stating that every car developed by Volvo would be equipped with an electric drive system starting in 2019. According to its estimates, its products will reach 50% electrification, including hybrid and pure electric, by 2025. Volvo also plans to deliver 1 million electric cars by then.

However, Volvo’s statement has also raised some doubts within the industry, as its timetable is considered unfeasible. In some countries, such as China and Norway, charging stations are relatively widespread, but not so in some of Volvo’s other important markets. The lower number of electric vehicles and the rate of charging facilities will undoubtedly slow down the pace of the transformation towards electrification of the automotive industry.

🔗Information source: Autoweek, TheTruthAboutCars

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