Precautions for Long-term Parking of Ideal ONE
Everyone will encounter situations where the vehicle needs to be parked for a long time....
Everyone will encounter situations where the vehicle needs to be parked for a long time....
I previously talked to you about the reasons for the reduced range of electric vehicles...
3、 What is AC electricity? What is DC electricity? AC (alternating current) electricity is characterized...
Insurance, the biggest expense for most car owners (excluding those who like modifications), comes in...
All Electric Cars have one feature in common, their performance in terms of battery life...
Believe ONE is the first intelligent car for most car owners, and one of the...
With the release of OTA 3.0, I believe that Li Auto has officially entered the...
如果您正在寻找一款冬季焦虑最少的电动车,那么理想 ONE 绝对是热门候选之一。随着全国多地进入冬季,印象中电动汽车的纯电续航里程打五折和充电速度减缓,对于第一次经历冬季的电动车车主来说,这些都是令人担忧的问题。作为驾驶理想 ONE 穿越两个冬天的车主,我们为您带来了一份过冬用车攻略,来帮助您更从容地应对和舒适地度过冬季。 过冬功能一:方向盘加热+座椅加热 方向盘加热和一/二排四个座椅加热是过冬的绝佳利器,用过就不想回去了。理想 ONE 的加热面积在同级车型中是非常优秀的,而且加热速度也是很快的。根据我们的使用体验,将座椅加热设置为三档,坐上去 30 秒左右,真皮座椅的冰冷感就可以得到缓解。 方向盘加热的好处更不用说了。冬季北方地区的许多人都会带手套开车,就是因为方向盘太凉。使用理想 ONE 后,您将完全摆脱这样的问题。 理想...
As the delivery of the Ideal ONE continues to increase, the number of car owners...
As an owner of an extended-range electric vehicle, I am not anxious about charging during...