This article is reproduced from the autocarweekly WeChat account.

Author: Dù Dē Biāo

In terms of popularity, there are roughly two types of new energy vehicles: those intended to topple the established order, and those that are just bystanders.

After several years of development, the new energy vehicle market has gradually settled on hard indicators such as range and specifications. For example, entry-level products cost around 100,000 yuan, have a length of around 4.2 meters, and offer a range of about 400 kilometers. Familiar friends can match these sizes on their own. For those who want a range of 500 kilometers, whether it’s a compact car or something like the XPeng G3, a higher-end configuration is required.

In short, it’s like a combination of sizes and range. Small size + high range, or medium size + high range. But price is the key factor. The former costs around 130,000-140,000 yuan, while the latter goes up to 160,000 yuan. The market order has gradually been established, and of course, it also requires the appeal of powerful brands.

But last night something happened that ignored the rules. The GAC Aion Y, with a pre-sale price of 105,900-149,900 yuan, will give you two feelings when you see its hard indicators: 1. The market hierarchy needs to be re-iterated; 2. The new energy vehicle market is still in turmoil.

The length of the Aion Y is 4410 mm, which is very familiar. It’s similar to the length of the purely electric version of a Toyota C-HR, which costs over 200,000 yuan. So, as an aside, Chinese-foreign joint-venture brands need to wake up. Their brand strengths in the old order may not work as well in the new energy vehicle market. And the opponents of Volkswagen or Toyota are far more than just Tesla or each other. They should look down and compare the cost-effectiveness of domestic products, and see if their high prices can continue to support them.

Even if we don’t talk about competing with joint-venture products remotely, the Aion Y’s impact on surrounding products is enormous. Its 4.4-meter length has basically refreshed the product threshold established by old brands such as BYD. This is a good thing, as the market advances in this competitive environment. But the 2750 mm wheelbase is too exaggerated. You and I, who often soak in the automotive industry, are probably used to the configuration bombardment, and the notion of diminishing returns is already a cliche that we feel embarrassed to use. However, this size seems like a boxer participating in a flyweight match, only to be hit by a heavy blow from the opponent. They mistakenly think they have entered the wrong arena and are participating in a heavyweight competition.

The Aion Y is a bit like this boxer throwing heavy punches.

In its official promotion materials, GAC Aion has released an image of the Aion Y with a girl sitting in the back seat watching a projection. Although I believe that some exaggeration was used in the production process, seeing the width of 1870mm, it can be understood that the actual shooting authenticity is quite high. After all, it is less than 2 centimeters narrower than the Audi A6L.

This is the kind of “disruptor” that we often sense, rather than just someone who comes to attract popularity. Based on the body measurements, Aion Y is definitely targeting existing vehicles at the same level. However, the step it takes is too big and it’s direct. In terms of product meaning, this round of competition has already been finished.

Particularly when considering the range.

Although the manufacturer has not yet released a detailed configuration list and vehicle distribution, it can be determined that the range of the mid-range model will be around 500 km, and the high-end model will reach 600 km. Based on the tradition that presale prices may be higher than the final prices, you can expect to buy an EV model with a range of 600 km for around 140,000 RMB. Considering that, apart from Model 3 and Han, there is no particular preference for any car in the new energy market, perhaps this car can also gain more traction by refreshing your understanding of the matching between the specifications, range, and price of an EV model – as long as you can accept the exterior of this car.

Of course, when it comes to range, GAC New Energy’s bullet battery is also worth mentioning. Now you can see that the technologies released by companies such as BYD and GAC New Energy are not high-tech black magic, but practical enough for use by the public. This means you don’t have to try as hard as Messi to break through from midfield, but rather need to be more like Ronaldo, looking for a chance to score in the penalty area.

The bullet battery is not a high-tech black technology, it just changes the way the battery cells are packaged. Previously, all the eggs were placed in one basket, but now several eggs are placed in a small basket so that everyone can enjoy their own little lives and solve the tragedy of all losses at the same time.

According to the manufacturer, it is “by relying on four core technologies: ultra-high-heat-resistant and stable battery cells, super-strong heat-insulated battery safety compartments, rapid cooling and cooling systems, and the fifth generation of all-time management battery management systems to improve battery system safety performance in three aspects: inherent safety improvement of battery cells, passive safety reinforcement, and active safety prevention and control”.

From the perspective of language style, it still has a familiar taste, yet the formula is different. In terms of practical value, this is much more useful than the in-car entertainment system, although the dual screens, emotional recognition, selfies and 5G uploading are trendy and cater to the tastes of young people, the technical foundation is what really makes these additional features considered to be part of the main business.

If there is any suspense, autonomous driving may determine whether this car can grow from a hidden gem to a champion. The official claim is that the car can achieve super-long distance memory parking of 150 meters and autonomous parking using high-precision maps. This progress has probably taken the lead over other brands, but it needs to be verified by actual testing. Many brands will release phased technological achievements in autonomous driving this year, but E’an appears to be the brand that has taken the first step in the new year, although actual experience remains to be verified.

However, Guangxin is not a supporting role in the new energy market, from sales performance to product strength. At least E’an Y’s step-by-step approach is very positive. Whether you can adapt or not, the pace of updates and iterations in the new energy circle is very fast, not only in product iteration, but also in the market order that was originally formed, which has been completely reshaped in a short period of time. This is completely different from the clear hierarchy of fuel vehicles you once saw, especially in the market of hundreds of thousands, where there has not yet emerged a king like Tesla.

E’an has hit hard, overturning the hierarchy of EVs just established from specifications to endurance, combining market demand (space is always the basic need) and the performance of existing competitors’ products. Perhaps it is not necessarily a king, but it’s definitely not a supporting role, and the stimulating effect that it will bring to the market will be positive. In addition, the clearest point of Guangxin is that no matter whether it is technology or products, seizing the time and releasing products is important, but releasing products at the right time is even more important. When the so-called new order is still in its infancy, this heavy punch has made many cars cannon fodder.

It may seem cruel, but it is necessary for a healthy market.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email