SAIC Moving Towards a New Decade with Advanced NEV Technology?

On May 24, at the “Towards New Decade SAIC Group New Energy Technology Presentation,” SAIC Group formally unveiled its next generation of base technology, marking SAIC Group’s “seven major bases of technology” has entered the 2.0 era. The unveiling not only showcased the latest technological advancements of SAIC Group in the new energy vehicle sector, but also provided a clear roadmap for future development.

Looking back at history, on May 24, 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out during his inspection of SAIC Group that “developing new energy vehicles is a decisive path for China to transition from a big automobile country to a powerful automobile country”. This important directive became the guiding policy for SAIC Group’s robust expansion in new energy vehicles. Statistics show that by 2023, SAIC Group’s new energy vehicle sales reached 1.123 million units, with overseas sales hitting 1.208 million units, showing its strong growth momentum in the global market.

At this conference, SAIC’s Lingzhu Technology launched a full-stack technology solution for smart cars, which has now evolved to version 3.0. According to the plans of SAIC Group, the Galaxy Full-Stack 3.0 technology will be applied in stages to actual vehicles by 2024, and is estimated to be fully deployed by 2025. The progression of this technology will further enhance SAIC’s new energy vehicles’ level of intelligence, providing users with a more intelligent and convenient driving experience.

In addition, SAIC Group announced that its all-solid-state battery technology will be mass-produced in 2026, with an energy density exceeding 400 Wh/kg. This technological breakthrough is set to significantly enhance the electric vehicle’s battery life and safety performance. What’s more exciting, the “IM” branded new vehicles equipped with all-solid-state batteries will be mass-produced in 2027, bringing a new high-performance electric vehicle option to the market.

SAIC Group stated that it would continue to join hands with global partners to collectively build a new landscape for the new energy vehicle industry. Through technological innovation and international cooperation, SAIC Group is committed to promoting the sustainable development of the new energy vehicle industry, providing more eco-friendly and efficient travel solutions for global users.

This conference not only showcased SAIC Group’s technological prowess in the new energy vehicle field but also pointed the way for future development. With the constant implementation and application of new technology, SAIC Group is bound to occupy a more critical status in the global new energy vehicle market.

This article is a translation by AI of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email