BAOJUN Yúnhǎi obtains Five-Star Safety Rating in Chinese EV Evaluation

Recently, BAOJUN Yunhai successfully passed the China Electric Vehicle Safety Evaluation organized by China Merchants Vehicle Research Institute Co., Ltd. (CMVRI for short), a national-level automobile testing organization, and obtained a five-star certification.

Moreover, BAOJUN Yunhai completed the whole vehicle multi-temperature failure heat safety test based on the five-star, maintaining no heat diffusion, no fire and no explosion throughout.

In fact, China’s Electric Vehicle Safety Evaluation examines the safety performances of the whole vehicle after battery thermal runaway. BAOJUN Yunhai obtained the highest level five-star certification in all four aspects of safety reminders, emergency rescue, fire prevention, and data linkages.

360-degree safety reminders, multi-dimensional reminders in real-time, meticulous guard. Upon contact with a φ8 mm test steel needle puncturing the battery from the bottom of the vehicle and triggering a single-cell thermal runaway, BAOJUN Yunhai’s intelligent safety system immediately controls the vehicle to give out multi-system and multi-dimensional safety prompts, display panel reminders, sound warnings, and flashing vehicle lights to remind passengers to evacuate as soon as possible.

Once the BAOJUN Yunhai’s vehicle safety intelligence system detects a thermal runaway signal, it will instantly disconnect the high-voltage power at the millisecond level to effectively prevent the situation from worsening. Simultaneously, the doors of the vehicle complete instantaneous unlocking, and the emergency door switch is also successfully triggered to ensure the exit route is opened promptly.

Upon thermal runaway, only a short-lived smoky condition appears at the bottom of the vehicle. The battery pack does not show heat diffusion, fire or explosion, the temperature inside the vehicle is kept below 40℃, and the oxygen content in the passenger compartment is within the standard range and without visible smoke or toxic gas.

Featuring Top Ask technology in their battery cores, L-shaped safety lugs, insulating protection layer at the top of the polar plate combined with generous overhang design, application of high heat-stability, low heat transmission ceramic layer coating, and highest-level flame-resistant V-0 silicon-based heat-resistant sealing materials, BAOJUN Yunhai offers multi-level protections giving users ample time to escape in emergencies.

Besides, efficient data linkage boasts 24-hour per second inspection. Upon danger, the advance warning service contacts vehicle owners in-time, and the emergency rescue service is promptly initiated. BAOJUN Yunhai features a dual “Vehicle end + Cloud end” BMS system to accurately monitor vehicle status and receive loss of control distress signals.

To realistically simulate secondary damages faced by battery packs during accidents, BAOJUN Yunhai uses a second needle to puncture the battery from the other end of the whole vehicle base after completing the first puncture safety test. The vehicle did not have any explosions or fire incidents.

The BAOJUN Yunhai is currently available for a limited time pre-sale price of 121,800 – 145,800 RMB, and it is set to officially hit the market in early September.

This article is a translation by AI of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email