Geeky 001 new car delivery.

What is your car budget?


How much did you spend to buy it?


How long did you wait for your beloved car?

<span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span> Within one quarter <span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span>

Is this your first car?

<span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span> Yes <span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span>

Is this your first time buying a new energy vehicle?

<span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span> Yes <span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span>

Do you have a home charger?

<span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span> No <span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span>

What other cars did you consider before buying it?

XPeng P7, Tesla Model 3

What score would you give to its appearance? Can you share some pictures of your car?

<span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span> Looks great <span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span>

Are you satisfied with its space?

<span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span> More than enough <span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span>

What do you think of its performance?

<span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span> Excellent power <span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span>

What score would you give to its auxiliary driving system?

<span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span> Occasional use <span style="opacity: 0.3">"</span>### How about its energy consumption and endurance performance?
Generally okay

Are you satisfied with its car system?

Obvious shortcomings

What is your daily charging frequency like?

Charge whenever possible

Share three areas in which you hope it can be improved:

Car system, car system, car system

Share three areas in which you are most satisfied with it:

Smooth power output, abundant space

Share your experience of using the car:

Mainly relying on government subsidies for now. Otherwise, this model can still wait for further development because it still has a long way to go and many problems to solve, which can really challenge the patience of car owners.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email