Rear-wheel steering is equipped! Musk's Cybertruck has used the same technology as Ferrari.

Wanbo, sent from the copilot temple

Smart car reference| WeChat public account AI4Auto

The latest function display of Tesla’s Cybertruck is here.

Rear-wheel steering, like that of Porsche and Ferrari.

Firstly, let’s look at its capabilities:

When moving forward or backward, the rear wheels will slightly offset:

The turning radius is smaller than usual:

Rear-wheel steering is a function Musk promised to install in July last year, but he did not specify the technical parameters such as turning angle and turning radius.

In addition, some observant netizens also discovered that the latest version of the Cybertruck is a bit different.

What other new developments are there for Cybertruck?

The biggest changes are in the following three areas:

Firstly, the relay camera installed on the front fender of the Cybertruck has adopted a similar version to that of other Tesla models, implying a possible mass production.

Secondly, the charging port of the latest displayed model is different from that of other Tesla models, and the location of the charging port is also different. The charging port of the Cybertruck is hidden the fender.

This design is not logical, after all, as a pickup truck that often travels through rugged terrain, the charging port on the fender is easily damaged. Therefore, some netizens have expressed that the final version of the charging port should be changed.

In addition, some netizens discovered that the barrier between the Cybertruck cockpit and the cargo bed has a lifting and lowering function. That is to say, when the cargo bed is empty, it can be combined with the cockpit to increase the area of the cockpit.

This adjustment was suggested by a netizen on Twitter, who tagged Musk, and Musk replied that it is worth considering.

Unexpectedly, the improvement was made at this exhibition. Tesla is really emphasizing on user experience and interaction.Here are the latest updates on Cybertruck, and from these details, it can be seen that Cybertruck is getting closer to mass production.

As Tesla’s Texas factory is completed and opened, the production of Cybertruck is also being given priority:

At the opening party of the Texas Gigafactory, Elon Musk himself stated that the Texas factory will mainly produce Model Y in the early stages, and Cybertruck will be mass-produced on a large scale, and it should be arranged for production next year.

The more than one million Cybertruck reservations were not in vain after all…

Cybertruck Black Matte

What other black technology does Cybertruck have?

Why is Cybertruck so popular?

Not only because of its sci-fi appearance, as the Mars work car designated by Elon Musk, Cybertruck integrates many of Tesla’s black technologies into one, and is considered a classic masterpiece of Tesla by Musk.

When it comes to the black technology carried by Cybertruck, the CTC chassis technology must be understood first:

According to Tesla’s previous plans, Cybertruck’s chassis will use CTC technology, which directly embeds Tesla’s self-developed 4680 cylindrical battery cells into the chassis, without going through the two-level module and PACK.

CTC Chassis Technology

There are two new knowledge points here: 4680 battery and structured chassis.

The CTC chassis directly embeds battery cells, which are not only physical structural components that take on the body, but also a large battery that provides power for electric vehicles.

Electric vehicles that use this technology weigh less, can accommodate more battery cells per unit space, and have higher endurance.

Of course, in addition to the structured chassis, the core role for high performance and endurance is the 4680 battery.

Based on Tesla’s Cybertruck UI patent data, with the 4680 battery installed, Cybertruck’s maximum endurance can reach 610 miles (about 980 kilometers).

4680 Battery

However, Musk previously said that an electric vehicle with a range of around 1000 kilometers is not meaningful, but now it seems that even Musk cannot escape the “range is good” law.

The 4680 battery uses a modular-free structure design, and the capacity of a single cell is higher. It is the basic unit of Cybertruck’s CTC chassis. The most revolutionary aspect of the technology is the “no ear” design.The traditional metal conductor that guides the positive and negative poles in cylindrical batteries has been removed in this design, and instead, conductive materials are coated at one end of the electrode to directly connect with the shell, allowing the current to be conducted directly between the electrode collector, cover plate, and shell.

This design has two major advantages: low cost and high efficiency. According to Tesla’s data, the energy density of the 4680 battery is five times higher than that of current mainstream ternary lithium batteries. The driving range can be increased by 16%, and the output power can be increased by six times. The production cost can be reduced by 14%.

However, it will take some time to increase the production capacity of the 4680 battery, so it will be prioritized for use in the Model Y in the short term.

In addition, Tesla’s FSD autonomous driving system must also be arranged.

Public information shows that although the Cybertruck has not yet been mass produced, early orders have exceeded 1.25 million vehicles, and 70% of customers have chosen FSD.

With the large-scale testing of FSD beta and the mass production of the Cybertruck, the functionality and experience should be improved.

Finally, there is the ultra-strong body structure. After all, this is a vehicle for Mars in the future. When the Cybertruck was unveiled, Musk said that the body material is not ordinary steel, but their self-developed ULTRA-HARD30X cold-rolled stainless steel.

Whether it is cold-rolled or not is not important, but there is one thing you need to know: ULTRA-HARD30X cold-rolled stainless steel is also used for SpaceX rocket shells. The body strength can withstand the impact of 9mm bullets.

The vehicle glass also uses Tesla’s self-developed Armor Glass, which is said to be bulletproof.

However… it was crushed by a metal ball during the unveiling event, becoming one of Musk’s classic memes.

In addition, the Cybertruck has many luxurious designs, such as adaptive air suspension, outdoor kitchens, and independent trailers.However, no matter how much creativity there is, there must be a precondition:
Produce as soon as possible. Don’t delay again with Musk’s “definitely next year” this time.

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This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email