Tesla: Paying an extra 64,000 yuan for FSD will allow for early delivery.

Wanbo from Co-pilot Temple

Reference of Smart Cars | AI4Auto WeChat Official Account

Tesla, which has just raised its price, has upset the delivery strategy again:

By paying an extra $12,000 for the FSD autonomous driving system, you can get your new car delivered in advance.

Previously, the Model Y had a delivery period of half a year, which was immediately shortened to 2 months after the FSD was selected.

Does optional FSD enable priority delivery?

Yes, Tesla’s official website shows that when users reserve a vehicle, the delivery period will be shortened once the FSD autonomous driving system is selected.

Currently, the affected models include Tesla’s two main products: Model 3 and Model Y. Model S and Model X are not affected.

Prior to this, the delivery period of Model 3 was two months, and it was shortened to one month after selecting the FSD. However, the delivery period of the Model Y is longer, up to 6 months, and it is shortened to 2 months after selecting FSD.

However, Tesla’s delivery strategy currently only applies overseas, and there is no change on the official website of Tesla China.

Official sources show that the delivery period of domestic Model 3 and Model Y is exactly the opposite of foreign countries. The local delivery period of Model 3 is 16-20 weeks, which is about 4-5 months, while the Model Y can be delivered within 10-14 weeks, which is about 2-3 months.

So far, Tesla has not made any comments on the changes in delivery strategy or disclosed the reasons for the changes.

It is generally believed that this change is a promotional measure launched following the FSD system’s price increase at the beginning of the year.

In January this year, Musk disclosed on Twitter that the price of Tesla’s Full Self-Driving (FSD) in the United States would increase from $10,000 to $12,000.

As for the monthly subscription price, it will also rise, but Musk has not revealed the specific increase rate.

Furthermore, every time the Tesla’s intelligent driving system, FSD, raises its price, it is accompanied by a promotion.

As early as 2019, when FSD increased to $5,000, Tesla chose to reduce the price of the first-generation Autopilot system by $2,000. Later, when FSD raised its price to $7,000, Tesla chose to offer the basic version of the Autopilot system for free to car owners.

Then, in October 2020, Tesla released the FSD 2.0 version (FSDBeta) and raised the price to $10,000. At the same time, Tesla introduced a subscription service for FSD, allowing users to experience it by paying monthly.

It is worth mentioning that FSDBeta is still in the testing phase, and users can apply for the push. The push range is mainly concentrated in North America. The full version of FSD has not been pushed in China yet, and the current intelligent driving function is only an enhanced version of Autopilot. Therefore, this may be the reason why FSD has not increased its price in China and the new delivery strategy has not been implemented.

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This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email bd@42how.com.