Delayed Summary of a 682-kilometer Self-driving Trip from Beijing to Qingdao during the May Day holiday by a Tesla Model Y Owner.

One-sentence Summary

After waiting for so long, the long-awaited May Day holiday has finally arrived. Upon hearing that Tesla charging stations were free over the holiday, I immediately cancelled my high-speed train tickets and opted to drive to Qingdao!

Starting at 8:40 in the morning from Beijing and arriving in Jimo at 11:11 at night, I charged twice at Zhongbei Town in Tianjin and Dongying Financial Port, and rest once at Huanghua Bohai New Area Service Area. It took 14 hours to complete the trip, with 11.5 hours of driving. The journey was 682 kilometers long and took 111 degrees of electricity, with an average speed of 60 kilometers per hour and an average energy consumption of 163 degrees (air conditioning used during the day).

Praise for Tesla Navigation

After entering my Qingdao hotel address, Tesla automatically planned the route and added two charging stations en route. The entire journey of over 680 kilometers relied on Tesla’s navigation. The prompts at each city intersection, highway entrance and exit, and ramp were timely, accurate and never led me astray.

Praise for Tesla Supercharger

There were six new national standard V3 piles with ground locks at Zhongbei Town in Tianjin and nine at Dongying Financial Port, and there were not many people. It was possible to charge at any time without queuing, completely dispelling range anxiety. Taking a break and having a meal for less than an hour could give a full charge and allow me to set off again.

Praise for Tesla Autopilot

After depressing the lever on the right side of the steering wheel twice, I activated the basic version of Autosteer, and then pressed “Autosteer Navigate on Autopilot” on the screen to activate the enhanced version of Autosteer. With the blue line appearing in the center of the lane on the screen, Autopilot was activated, allowing me to free up my hands and give my golden right foot a break. Autonomous lane changing and overtaking was so enjoyable and greatly reduced driving fatigue!

# Summary of Long-distance Self-driving

I felt that Tesla was very powerful on the highway during the whole journey, with a strong sense of pushing back at speeds of 100-120 km/h, regardless of day or night, giving a feeling of passion, full power, and flying-like. The automatic driving and self-lane changing and overtaking enabled me to appreciate the beautiful scenery and landscapes of our motherland along the way, making the long journey enjoyable.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email