General Motors will launch fully autonomous driving models for the consumer market by 2025.

On January 5th, 2022, General Motors (GM) CEO Mary Barra revealed at CES 2022 that the company plans to launch a fully autonomous vehicle for regular consumers as early as 2025.

During her speech, Barra introduced the Ultifi software platform, as well as the Cruise fully autonomous driving, Ultra Cruise, and Super Cruise driver assistance technologies. She then announced that GM plans to release a fully autonomous vehicle for regular consumers in the mid-2020s, specifically around 2025.

According to Barra, this groundbreaking vehicle will provide more people access to autonomous driving technology with lower costs and innovative quality, although specific technical details and market position have not been disclosed.

While autonomous driving technology has been developing rapidly in recent years, there are currently no fully autonomous vehicles available for personal use due to the high cost of perception and computing systems required. Thus, companies generally use them for commercial purposes, such as fully autonomous taxis, to offset the cost and create value.

GM’s announcement of a fully autonomous vehicle for personal use in just a few years will undoubtedly cause a stir in the market. Whether GM’s outlook on the prospects and expected costs of autonomous driving is overly optimistic remains to be seen, as there are only three years left until 2025.

🔗Source: CES

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