FAW has appointed a new chairman of the board and expanded global recruitment efforts to advance its mass production plan.

Recently, Faraday Future appointed a new chairman of the board, Brian Krolicki.

Krolicki is a veteran of the private banking industry and an expert in municipal finance. He has worked for companies such as Smith Barney and Bankers Trust Company. In his 24-year career in public service, he has been elected lieutenant governor and state treasurer of Nevada four times. While serving as Nevada’s treasurer, Krolicki was elected president of the National Association of State Treasurers (NAST) and established the NAST Corporate Governance Committee. He also served as vice chairman of the Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT).

Krolicki himself is an independent director of Faraday Future’s board, which also includes eight other global directors: Carsten Breitfeld, Edwin Goh, Lee Liu, Sue Swenson, Jordan Vogel, Scott Vogel, Matthias Aydt, and Bob Ye.

Krolicki stated, “We are all deeply involved in advancing the delivery of the FF 91 to users on time next year.” Correspondingly, Faraday Future is expanding its global recruitment efforts to achieve on-time mass production and delivery of the FF 91.

Faraday Future’s recruitment efforts will focus on roles in manufacturing, engineering, supply chain, design, marketing, branding, sales, and potential senior management positions. These positions are spread across Faraday Future’s three California locations, including its headquarters in Los Angeles, its Silicon Valley technology department, and the FF 91 production factory in Hanford.

In addition, Faraday Future will announce several key executive hires soon. Let’s wait and see.

🔗 Source: Faraday Future

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email bd@42how.com.