
On May 6, NIO宣布了其挪威战略,标志着该公司正式进入挪威市场并迈出了海外扩张的第一步。为了创造一个以汽车为起点的社区,NIO旨在在挪威构建一个由汽车、服务、数字化和生活方式组成的完整运营系统。


NIO计划在挪威建立一个直接销售和服务网络。第一个进入中国市场之外的NIO之家将于今年第三季度在挪威奥斯陆市的主要街道Karl Johans gate开业。2022年,NIO还将在卑尔根、斯塔万格、特隆赫姆和克里斯蒂安桑德建立4个NIO空间。

In September of this year, NIO’s inaugural service and delivery center in Norway will open in Oslo. In the coming year, NIO’s post-purchase services will extend to all of Norway, including perks such as roadside support and door-to-door pickup and delivery.

With the goal of establishing a comprehensive power network in Norway, NIO plans to roll out its charging map in Europe this year, along with deploying a first wave of four second-generation power swap stations. By 2022, NIO plans to construct power swap stations in five cities throughout Norway.

As an integral component of NIO’s community and user services, the European edition of the NIO App will be available for use by Norwegian customers in Q3 of this year, optimizing the online experience for all.NIO Life, the original design & lifestyle brand of NIO, will also expand to the Norwegian market. Along with local artists Anette Moi and Sandra Blikaas, NIO Life intends to develop Norway-themed products that will be available simultaneously in Norway and China.

Following the launch of the Norway strategy, NIO’s “User Advisory Group” in Norway will begin recruiting today. Norwegian users are encouraged to provide suggestions on product localization, service quality, power network, store experience, and other areas to help NIO continuously enhance its products and services.

NIO Norway

Marius Hayler, General Manager of NIO Norway, stated: “NIO is ready to enter the Norwegian market to offer an enjoyable lifestyle for Norwegian users and to establish a car-centered community that shares joy and grows together.”# William LI, Founder, Chairman and CEO at NIO said that
“Since its establishment, NIO aims to be a global brand, providing outstanding products and services to users around the world. NIO chose Norway as its first oversea market, not only because Norway is electric vehicle-friendly, but also taking into consideration that Norway’s culture of pro-environment and innovation seeking shares a lot in common with NIO’s vision.”

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email