Did the popularity of the Macro MINIEV in the industry arise by chance or was it destined to become a model of innovation?

Author: Doli Jun

During the Shanghai Auto Show, there were so many new cars that drove Doli Jun crazy. Especially for me, who comes from Kunming, a city known for its everlasting spring, I have long wanted to own a convertible car! However, it was uncertain when I could actually afford such an expensive car. Until I came to the Wuling booth and saw the Hongguang MINIEV CABRIO in the prime position, Doli Jun could finally straighten up and ask the salesperson, “How much is this car?”

The Hongguang MINIEV is currently priced between 28,800-43,600 yuan, and the unique and personalized luxury version is only 43,600 yuan. With such an affordable price, Doli Jun wanted to own the MINIEV CABRIO immediately! And with one more convertible mechanism, the hard top could become a soft top… eventually. Well, after checking my bank account on my phone, this is definitely the first convertible car that young people can afford.

Compared to other booths with magnificent aura, the Wuling booth is indeed particularly cordial. Just like the Wuling brand, whether it was during the epidemic period, where Wuling took the lead in producing masks to support the national anti-epidemic efforts, or the exclamation from consumers, “Wuling manufactures whatever the people need,” it is clear that Wuling is a brand born out of the people.

When the people need a commuter car, Wuling manufactures the Hongguang MINIEV

“There are no tears in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, only parking problems and high fuel prices.” In today’s China, there are generally many problems such as traffic jams and lack of parking spaces when going out. With the recent popular saying, “I didn’t cry after watching ‘Hi, Mom,’ but I cried after seeing the oil prices,” it undoubtedly proves that people need commuter cars!

What is a commuter car? Four wheels and a shell? Over the past 10 years, there have been many misunderstandings in the market about this sub-market. In the fixed mindset of the past, a commuter car meant a car for older people. This point is beyond doubt, and with the launch of the people’s commuter car Hongguang MINIEV by SAIC-GM-Wuling in late July 2020, the problem with people’s commuting travel was effectively solved, and at the same time, the commuter car market was opened up.# New Energy Vehicles Sales Record Breaker – The Story of Hongguang MINIEV

After being listed for only 270 days, Hongguang MINIEV, a small-sized new energy vehicle, broke the global record for sales of its kind with over 270,000 vehicles sold. The success of Hongguang MINIEV might attribute to its comfortable driving experience, fuel efficiency, and affordability.

As it continues to sell well, various brands have released their own commuting vehicle models, but none have come close to matching the sales of Hongguang MINIEV. So how did Hongguang MINIEV achieve such high sales?

High Creativity Rate Locks in Younger Users – Minimizing your Commuting Hassle

Younger generations have become the backbone of consumerism, and individuality, fashion, and attitudes make up part of their identity. As a vehicle is the most significant carrier of personal lifestyle and style, Hongguang MINIEV became the most “creative and fashionable” new energy vehicle in China with a creativity rate reaching 72%, including an exterior color creativity rate of 62%, and an interior creativity rate of 50%. Of course, these are just numbers; one can see creativity from small things such as stickers, decals to large things like wheels, and interior designs almost everywhere with Hongguang MINIEV on the roads.

To meet the needs of more young people who enjoy creativity and pursuing a personalized lifestyle, Hongguang MINIEV Macaron was launched, boasting a brand-new design in appearance, colour matching, interiors, and configurations. The new product was released on April 8th, and in just ten days, the number of orders surpassed 45,000 units.

Interestingly, among the users who ordered Hongguang MINIEV Macaron, over 72% were 90s generation users, and 60-70% were female. This high rate of youth and female users is unprecedented in sales records of electric vehicles, and thus, the MINIEV brand’s high sales might be attributed to the fact that it is perfect for “picking up chicks” or just impressing everyone, contributing to the high sales rate.## Macro Light MINIEV sets the benchmark, foreign netizens drool

On March 23, the “Discussion Meeting on the Revision of Technical Conditions and Standards for Pure Electric Passenger Cars,” jointly organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Transport, the Ministry of Public Security, the China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, and other parties, was held as scheduled. The revised version of the standard for low-speed electric vehicles has been added in this revision.

The specifications and dimensions for “micro low-speed pure electric passenger cars” in the meeting are “length not exceeding 3500 mm, width not exceeding 1500 mm, height not exceeding 1700 mm.”

Compared with those figures, Macro Light MINIEV’s dimensions are 2917 * 1493 * 1621 mm. It is not difficult to find that this specification is obviously based on Macro Light MINIEV as a reference standard. Of course, some netizens may say that this is at most a coincidence. However, in this meeting, it was specially mentioned that “referring to Macro Light MINIEV, the R-point exceeds 700 mm and no side collision is performed” for crash tests.

Macro Light MINIEV was originally intended to bring a truly worry-free, safe and convenient car for the people, but has become the benchmark for the industry. It gives people a feeling of “I’m done pretending, I’m revealing myself.”

Of course, Macro Light MINIEV not only has a leading position in the field of small new energy vehicles in China but is also coveted by foreign netizens. Japan, as the main market for micro/mini passenger cars, has numerous K-car models. While Macro Light MINIEV is popular in China, Japanese netizens are also eager to have it. As early as the beginning of 2021, Japanese media publicly called on SAIC-GM-Wuling to introduce Macro Light MINIEV, demonstrating its popularity.

Dolly’s words:

Since its launch, the Changan Oushang MINIEV has achieved sales of over 270,000 in 270 days, and has become the world’s top-selling new energy vehicle in January and February. This impressive performance is a testament to the huge potential of Changan Oushang MINIEV in the people’s transportation market, whether it is the practical MINIEV or the stylish MINIEV Macaron.

Designed for the young and fashion-conscious, the Changan Oushang MINIEV CABRIO once again proves that the Wuling brand is always centered on the demands of the people and guided by market trends. In the future, SAIC-GM-Wuling’s GSEV matrix is bound to become a leader in the market.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email bd@42how.com.