Xiaopeng V2.5.0 software update summary, what has NGP been through in the past 2 years?

Today, XPeng Motors officially released version 2.5.0 of its software, which started to be pushed at 8:00 p.m. tonight. The most significant update in this version is the addition of NGP automatic navigation assisted driving.

At today’s press conference, XPeng introduced the XPILOT 3.0 autonomous driving solution, which officially started in Q1 2018 and will be officially launched in Q1 of this year, with a total of four milestone time points.

Surprisingly, previous Q1 and Q2 releases were usually delayed until the last few days of March or June. However, XPeng not only did not delay, but also pushed the release much earlier than expected.

It can be said that it is very efficient to go from scratch to two years, and behind it is the tireless efforts of countless XPeng R&D engineers.

After the 2020 National Intelligent Day NGP Engineering Edition test drive, XPeng has undergone 12 major version updates and 91 minor version iterations for NGP.

NGP’s tests cover 26 provincial-level administrative regions, with millions of kilometers of testing, covering 90% of China’s highways.

From XPeng’s autonomous driving architecture diagram, it can be seen that NGP has four points more than Tesla: behavioral planning, behavior/motion prediction, map fusion, and map management.

There are two intuitive manifestations:

  • In the previous experience video, it can be seen that the system can predict the driving trajectory of the merging vehicle and respond in advance, which is a powerful manifestation of hardware and software.

  • NGP’s visualization not only shows surrounding traffic participants but also combines Gaode’s high-precision maps to more realistically simulate the environment.

In addition to NGP, XPeng has also optimized automatic parking, on the basis of an already powerful ability:

  • The success rate of automatic parking is increased by 26%
  • The correct posture completion rate of parking is increased by 7%
  • The success rate of parking increases by 26%
  • The recognition rate of the side front parking space reaches 88%
  • Added mobile phone parking assistance.

Regarding the highly concerned memory parking feature, Huang Xin from XPeng’s autonomous driving department said: it’s coming soon!

In addition to NGP, this software update includes:

  • Optimization of the voice assistant Xiao P
  • Addition of audio apps
  • Addition of car usage habit settings group
  • Optimization of the multimedia playback interface

🔗Source: XPeng Motors

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email bd@42how.com.