NIO announces its BaaS solution, which reduces the cost of the vehicle by 70,000 yuan and charges a monthly fee of 980 yuan for battery rental service.

NIO’s BaaS Program Details Revealed

NIO’s BaaS program details have been released and are consistent with previous leaks. Under this plan, purchasing a new car will result in a $7k reduction in the price of the vehicle, with battery rental service fees set at $980 per month. Users who opt out of NIO’s service program but still want battery care will pay an additional monthly fee of $80.

BaaS pricing for different vehicle models is as follows: the ES8 starts at $380k, the ES6 starts at $273.6k, and the EC6 starts at $280k.

NIO Batteries

NIO Battery Station

NIO Battery Charging Station

Regarding NIO’s battery charging stations, some details are as follows:

  • A station can change as many as 96 cars per day.
  • There are over 60 battery charging stations in more than 60 cities across the country.
  • 800,000 battery changes have been performed to date.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email