Technology and design, located in Munich.

Boarding the Airbus A340 in a hurry, and at the same time, 15 “Smart Creator Officers” from around the world are headed for the same destination – the BYTON Munich design center.

Vlog: Munich, BYTON, Smart Creator Officers

Who are the Smart Creator Officers?

On June 12th, BYTON announced the “BYTON Smart Creator Officer” project at the launch of its second concept car K-Byte in Shanghai.

The purpose is to allow users to directly interact with BYTON’s design/engineering employees in order to inspire designers through communication and allow users to provide the most direct feedback on the ideas of designers. For most traditional car brands’ owners, it is generally difficult to have the opportunity to meet with the chief designer of a car company, which shows a big difference in user operation between traditional car brands and new car brands.

With BYTON Design VP Mr. Benoit JACOB

Unlike online communities, the advantage of “Face to Face” contact is that you can know the professional background, life status, and interests of this person in a very concrete way through their gestures, body language, and speech.

I believe that whether it is BYTON’s designers or media persons like myself on the scene, they feel the unique temperament of BYTON’s pre-order owners on-site. They have a relatively high social influence, mostly engaged in technology or Internet-based new industries, and have unique pursuits for cutting-edge technology, which has a very high similarity to Tesla owners.

As for how to select these “Smart Creation Officers” from thousands of BYTON reservation owners to come to Munich, BYTON brand director Liu Xu gave the answer:

First, targeting potential customers. Mainly aimed at customers who have paid deposits through internal reservations after the Beijing Auto Show.

Second, whether the characteristics of the entire population conform to the positioning of our typical customers. Our typical customers can be divided into two types based on their interests: the first type belongs to technology geeks, who particularly like new technologies, have many smart technology devices at home, and are particularly concerned about various trends in technology. The second type is more concerned about quality of life, design, aesthetics, and at the same time has a friendly and open attitude towards new technologies, and likes to use emerging technology products to improve their quality of life.

Third, we will choose passionate people for the project. Each recruitment released requires applicants to fill out a long questionnaire. Whether they are willing to take the time to fill out the questionnaire reflects whether they have passion for the project.

Fourth, expressing demands. We will interview candidates by phone or face-to-face, and then evaluate whether the person is willing to express his/her ideas. We care about whether he/she is good at expressing.

Fifth, whether his/her experience and lifestyle conform to our theme for this time. For example, for this design-oriented activity, we will look for people with design backgrounds.

Just like the car brand user portraits that exploded on the Internet before, in fact, every brand with some history will accumulate obvious user characteristics.

This event gave me a deep impression that the BYTON brand, which is still in its infancy, has already sketched its own user portrait, and it is more clear and unique than other new car brands.

Technology geek M is the “Smart Create Officer” from Hong Kong. When I left the Munich hotel, M took out his DJI MAVIC PRO and was ready to shoot aerial footage. (That’s how my Vlog started)

M is the first type of user mentioned by Liu Xu. I could clearly feel his passion for participating in the creation of this event when chatting with him. M told me that after seeing the news about “Smart Create Officer” on BYTON’s platform, he expressed his views on BYTON’s products and registered on June 10th. On June 13th, BYTON staff contacted him to confirm whether he wanted to attend the event. After participating in the survey during the period, the trip was confirmed on June 22nd.“`
First-person Perspective, Sign-up Process for "Manufacturing Intelligence Officer"

Even after the end of this event, M is willing to chat with me about the future of cars and expectations for Byton. We concur that: As the top player, Tesla still have many user experience shortcomings and slow development pace in the domestic market. Byton, as the most technologically advanced brand among the new car brands, should not just stop at the surface of technology sensation, but make up for these details with practical technology.

M and I exchanged WeChat messages, expressing the aspiration for technology to change life.

In the whole Vlog, I selected 5 segments of conversations with “Manufacturing Intelligence Officer”. It is not difficult to feel Byton’s attraction to “technology geeks/design aesthetics control”, and high expectations for the first product.

Think Different

15 “Manufacturing Intelligence Officers” from China, the United States, and Europe:

“Manufacturing Intelligence Officer” P from California told me that Byton has a very typical “Think Different” gene.

“Manufacturing Intelligence Officer” C from Shanghai said to me that I couldn’t resist the big screen of Byton at first sight.

“Manufacturing Intelligence Officer” N from Shanghai told me that sometimes she just wants to sit quietly in the car for a while, turning off all the big screens and functions.

“Chief Designer” Mr. Benoit JACOB told me that actually the design of big screens have been included in many concept cars of different brands, but what sets us apart is that we put it into practice.

“Vice President of Marketing” Mr. Henrik WENDERS told me that we will feed back every two to three months the feedback from “Manufacturing Intelligence Officers” to improve Byton internally.

If Byton’s design is for “Think Different”, then the opinions of different “Manufacturing Intelligence Officers” have the essence of “Think Different”.

Did “Manufacturing Intelligence Officers” inspire the designers?

Or did the designers attract “Manufacturing Intelligence Officers”?
“`We can imagine that all these ideas will become inspirations for the designers at Byton’s Munich design center or for the “smart creators” who are more enthusiastic about the brand because of its openness to their ideas.

In this Vlog, you will see:

· Byton’s design center in Munich

· Several real interviews with “smart creators”

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email