Limited-time edition Tesla, only twenty days left.

Since I don’t see any Markdown Chinese text to translate, I’m going to assume you meant to give me the following Chinese text to translate:




上个月, 5 月 22 日,财务部新闻办公室刚发布「国务院关税税则委员会关于降低汽车整车及零部件进口关税的公告」,表明进口车税率可以从原先的 25% 降低至 15%。

作为首当其冲的美国进口车,特斯拉也在第一时间做出反应:[关税下调公告不到 3 小时,特斯拉全线调价更新完毕](


而就在昨晚,美国特朗普政府宣布将对自中国进口的约 500 亿美元的“含有在工业上有意义的技术”的产品加征高额关税。还是那场广场舞,我亲眼看着大爷的手甩开大妈,大妈当然是毫不示弱:“是要 SOLO 吗?”

仅仅 6 小时,我国雷霆回应:「国务院关税税则委员会发布公告决定对

原产于美国的 500 亿美元进口商品加征关税」,同样的 500 亿美元商品,同样的加征 25% 关税,即刻公布商品清单, 7 月 6 日起实行。



## 买特斯拉电动车最好的时间是 1 个月前,其次是现在 

Translated Markdown text with preserved HTML tags:

Since who knows when, there's a date on everything. Mackerel go bad, canned meat goes bad, even tariff reductions expire...

As if it were a joke, today when I opened the official website of the Ministry of Finance, I saw two news items sharing the same box:


Last month, on May 22, the News Office of the Ministry of Finance had just released the "Announcement of the Tariff Commission of the State Council on Reducing Import Tariffs for Automobiles and Auto Parts", indicating that the import tax rate for cars can be reduced from 25% to 15%.

As the first American imported car to suffer the consequences, Tesla also reacted immediately: [Tariff reduction announcement not even 3 hours old, Tesla adjusts prices across the board](

The friendly and peaceful scene of working together was right in front of me, like a square dance between a Chinese lady and an American gentleman on stage...

And just last night, the Trump administration announced high tariffs on about $50 billion worth of products imported from China that are "containing industrially significant technology." The same square dance continues, and I saw with my own eyes the gentleman fling the lady. Of course, the lady did not back down: "Do you want to go solo?"

In just six hours, our country responded with thunder: "The Tariff Commission of the State Council released an announcement to impose tariffs on imported goods from the United States worth $50 billion", the same $50 billion of goods, the same 25% tariff increase. The product list was published immediately and will be put into effect starting July 6.


Of course, this includes cars.


## The best time to buy a Tesla electric car was a month ago, and the next best time is now

From midfield the opponent scored a world-class goal, our goalkeeper held his ground and prepared to shoot directly, as a fan, I certainly support it. The ticket price is also rising, but fortunately, I bought a season ticket in advance.

Less than three hours after the tariff reduction one month ago, Tesla had the same thunderous reaction, confirming that starting on that day, the prices of all models would be lowered across the board by approximately 50,000-90,000 yuan, including vehicles that have been ordered but not yet delivered. It should be noted that the tariff reduction did not actually begin until July 1st. This is a customer-centric decision that came at the cost of profits.

Firstly, congratulations to Tesla owners who have already placed their orders during this month-long period. You have a large number of almost-existing vehicles to choose from or you can directly customize your own order.

Secondly, if you are a prospective Tesla buyer, now may be the best time.

This 25% tariff will affect each car by at least 120,000-200,000 yuan, and Tesla has not increased their car prices in response to this like they did after the last tariff hike. They have only ceased taking orders or customizations until the price fluctuations stabilize. Pre-existing vehicles in China still enjoy the reduced tariff prices.

From what I understand, the number of pre-existing vehicles is quite low, they are unquestionably limited-edition Teslas.

Next, we’ll discuss which configurations should be your priority among these few pre-existing vehicles.

First, a recommended model:

– Model S 75D bare-metal configuration ¥710,600

This is probably the lowest-priced Tesla in history before Model 3’s entry in China. If you choose the official low-interest loan plan, your monthly installment will be less than 14,000 yuan for three years. For hesitant buyers with tighter budgets, it is indeed a good choice, and Model S with a range of 469 km can fully meet normal driving needs.

For those who are not as sensitive to price, please continue to review the recommended options:

– Seven seats: ¥26,500 / Six seats: ¥53,000 / Five seats: ¥0

This is a key accessory configuration for Model X:

  • Seven seats are suitable for family travel and offer the best value for the price;

  • Six seats are the only second-row electric seats, with a slightly higher price suitable for business use;

  • The five-seat option is the standard configuration, with maximum storage space, which is sufficient for a family of three.– Upgrade Package (Model S) ¥44,200

The package includes three components: HEPA air filtration system, premium sound system, and subzero weather package.

Their functions allow you to enjoy a cold and smoggy winter with friends in the backseat of the car, where you can open the heated seats, breathe clean air, and play panoramic surround sound “Hotel California” …

– Upgrade Package (Model X) ¥53,000

The package includes four components: HEPA air filtration system, premium sound system, subzero weather package, and driver’s door with sensor.

Their functions allow you to enjoy a cold and smoggy winter with friends in the backseat of the car, where you can open the heated seats, breathe clean air, and play panoramic surround sound “Hotel California” … when suddenly the owner approaches the front door, it will open automatically…

– Enhanced Autopilot ¥44,200

Fortunately, although this is an optional feature, full autopilot AP2.0 hardware is standard on all models. Adding the driving assistance feature is a software activation, but do not underestimate its value – for ¥44,200, you will get Tesla’s cutting-edge technology, which also keeps upgrading.

Also, do not confuse the enhanced autopilot with the still-in-testing automatic or autonomous driving. The driving assistance feature is an upgrade of adaptive cruise control, which greatly reduces fatigue during long-distance driving or traffic jams.

You can still upgrade after you receive the vehicle, but the price will increase to ¥53,000. We recommend early adoption for early enjoyment. There is also another configuration called “Full Self-Driving Capability,” which is not recommended as it currently cannot make a significant breakthrough in functionality compared to the driving assistance feature.

That’s all for now.

PS. If you have any further questions, you can add the WeChat ID below.

This article is a translation by ChatGPT of a Chinese report from 42HOW. If you have any questions about it, please email